About SOI
SOI is an online course evaluation system, replacing the traditional paper course evaluation system. SOI allows students to confidentially rate their UA learning experience, encouraging feedback about their courses and instructors. Reports of survey results are provided to UA faculty and administrators after grades are submitted. Student ratings are very important in helping instructors improve their teaching and in helping the University evaluate courses and faculty.
Survey Dates
Why SOI?
The new online system eliminates paper and invalid submissions, provides students with access to complete the evaluation anytime, anywhere, and allows reports to be delivered to faculty more quickly. UA began transitioning to this system between fall 2008 and spring 2010, after careful consideration.
What About Privacy?
Student confidentiality is a high priority, and is a key feature of the SOI system. The data is compiled in such a way that no single response is tied to a particular student. The information is compiled and provided in summary form to the faculty members and administrators.
What’s Being Asked?
A common set of University approved evaluative questions are provided for all courses. This consistency in the evaluation instrument allows for cross-comparisons within a college or campus wide as part of the reports generated. In addition to the campus-wide common data collected, the individual schools and colleges have specific questions that are helpful to their ongoing efforts to improve teaching and learning.