Higher Education Act Required Information

Types of Graduate and Professional Education in which UA Graduates Enrolled

Bachelor Degree Recipients’ Post-Degree Educational Attainment

This analysis is based on information from 28,601 students that received bachelor degrees from the University of Alabama between Spring 2013 and Spring 2017. Utilizing the 'Student Tracker' service of the National Student Clearinghouse, it was discovered that at least 12,639 students (44.2%) continued their education after earning their bachelors degree from the University. A large number of these degree recipients, 4,081 or 32.3%, continued their education at the University of Alabama. For a complete list of institutions these students attended to continue their education please click here.

Of the 12,639 students that continued their education, 7,300 or 57.8% (25.5% of the 28,601 original degree recipients) received a second degree or certificate by Spring 2020. Also, 229 received a third award, and 5 received a fourth award. Medical degrees and especially doctoral degrees are understated in this analysis, since medical degrees usually require four years of study and doctoral degrees require six or more years. Therefore, students progressing in these areas have not had sufficient time to complete their advanced degrees for this study.

The following is a breakdown of the types of second awards received by the 7,300 students.

Award Type Frequency Percent
Certificate 180 2.5
Associate 136 1.9
Bachelor 328 4.5
Educ. Specialist 5 0.1
Master 5,474 75.0
Doctorate 48 0.7
Prof (Medical) 287 3.9
Prof (Other) 193 2.6
Prof (Law) 649 8.9
Total 7,300 100.0

The 7,300 students received their second award from 596 different institutions. The majority of the awards, 5,887 (80.6%) came from public institutions while 1,413 (19.4%) came from private institutions. Slightly less than half of the second awards, 2,761 (37.8%), came from the University of Alabama. For a complete list of institutions please click here.