Higher Education Act Required Information

Instructional Facilities

The University of Alabama
Number of Rooms and Net Assignable Square Feet (NASF) by Primary Use Categories in Major Academic Buildings: Fall 2013

  General Classroom Class Labs Non-Class Labs Offices Library Other Space* Total
Building Number Building Name Gross
Square Feet
203 Adams Hall 20,955 3 3,239 1 950 1 1,168 16 3,213 0 0 2,787 11,357
252 AIME Building 54,854 1 1,558 0 0 16 18,232 22 3,263 0 0 7,286 30,339
032 Alston Hall 76,844 4 9,921 0 0 0 0 157 28,243 0 0 11,071 49,235
043 B. B. Comer 86,283 18 7,801 0 0 4 3,167 89 18,690 0 0 14,343 44,001
249 Bevill Energy Building 221,381 4 2,337 3 1,862 151 67,994 147 30,987 0 0 23,010 126,190
031 Bidgood Hall 142,600 31 30,019 1 810 2 1,046 115 24,383 2 1,108 26,785 84,151
034 Biology Building 95,636 3 5,889 0 0 22 13,926 25 5,908 0 0 38,334 64,057
036 Bruno Business Library 89,717 0 0 3 3,707 2 2,797 15 5,006 14 36,059 22,075 69,644
294 Bryant Hall Academic Center 70,128 3 5,082 0 0 4 4,088 16 3,618 35 5,780 9,381 27,949
175 Bureau of Mines - Building 1 33,903 5 3,092 0 0 1 208 31 6,087 2 613 10,899 20,899
176 Bureau of Mines - Building 2 10,263 0 0 0 0 9 3,255 8 915 0 0 1,437 5,607
178 Bureau of Mines - Building 4 8,070 0 0 0 0 6 4,752 1 203 0 0 2,124 7,079
179 Bureau of Mines - Building 5 10,872 0 0 3 5,149 2 177 4 531 0 0 3,313 9,170
010 Capstone College of Nursing 63,983 6 10,820 7 5,394 2 837 65 10,140 2 619 7,419 35,229
003 Carmichael Hall 30,014 1 607 0 0 1 419 62 11,350 0 0 6,125 18,501
016 Child Dev. & Research Center 67,366 1 472 0 0 31 5,703 45 7,257 0 0 23,305 36,737
040 Clark Hall 20,498 0 0 1 3,221 0 0 50 9,579 0 0 2,872 15,672
151 Design House 7,510 0 0 2 1,756 0 0 10 1,218 0 0 2,171 5,145
047 Doster Hall 39,895 6 6,826 7 7,754 1 967 39 6,397 0 0 6,234 28,178
174 Engineering Student Project Building 7,051 0 0 0 0 1 5,546 0 0 0 0 920 6,466
054 Farrah Hall 61,895 5 8,435 1 1,379 8 3,585 57 11,018 4 6,793 7,196 38,406
155 Gallalee Hall 65,673 4 6,468 4 3,068 14 9,897 56 11,084 0 0 12,469 42,986
067 Garland Hall 19,737 2 1,442 0 0 0 0 13 3,847 0 0 4,614 9,903
170 Gordon Palmer Hall 133,427 18 13,727 1 346 24 5,217 257 40,364 3 1,036 23,253 83,943
013 Gorgas Library 207,565 2 942 3 2,392 4 2,847 74 14,663 59 104,454 22,174 147,472
030 Graves Hall 68,108 15 14,670 0 0 5 952 77 12,321 0 0 4,702 32,645
245 H. M. Comer Hall 66,797 7 8,647 2 1,131 8 4,203 65 15,749 1 260 12,282 42,272
072 Hardaway Hall 86,372 9 9,281 3 3,359 36 20,362 70 20,458 0 0 7,188 60,648
079 Houser Hall 50,642 4 3,350 1 799 20 10,588 51 10,545 1 397 12,144 37,823
025 Law Center 256,573 18 23,452 1 3,826 4 1,413 160 33,038 15 47,763 40,409 149,901
088 Little Hall 28,697 5 4,030 0 0 1 614 35 7,534 0 0 4,644 16,822
039 Lloyd Hall 127,213 27 37,232 0 0 1 885 41 8,629 0 0 15,601 62,347
099 Manly Hall 19,838 4 1,923 0 0 1 1,051 25 5,477 3 607 825 9,883
757 MAP-Erskine Ramsay Rep. 14,774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,217 13,217
038 Mary Harmon Bryant Hall 136,913 2 756 0 0 25 9,401 57 11,490 6 15,751 48,685 86,083
152 Maxwell Hall 1,853 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 661 0 0 842 1,503
051 McLure Library 25,182 0 0 1 735 0 0 6 795 11 16,018 1,237 18,785
118 Moody Music Building 122,219 5 3,225 5 7,647 48 5,885 64 13,417 2 432 25,012 55,618
107 Morgan Hall 45,916 16 7,893 0 0 2 1,660 44 8,162 0 0 10,214 27,929
236 nerc 213,572 0 0 5 6,133 71 49,077 65 16,791 0 0 35,986 107,987
150 Nott Hall 73,536 5 2,687 4 5,302 18 9,084 61 10,528 0 0 18,271 45,872
027 Oliver-Barnard Hall 8,022 3 1,080 0 0 1 477 2 1,051 0 0 2,159 4,767
205 Reese Phifer Hall 128,233 10 7,232 10 5,448 8 3,201 131 20,831 6 2,211 31,658 70,581
250 Rogers Library for Science and Eng. 48,209 0 0 0 0 2 8,949 5 1,132 13 21,523 1,666 33,270
108 Rowand-Johnson Hall 52,405 8 3,655 1 1,012 2 1,007 69 10,697 0 0 16,419 32,790
226 Russell Hall 69,282 1 883 6 3,959 8 3,154 119 19,032 2 522 15,547 43,097
018 School of Medicine, Tuscaloosa 87,319 3 1,110 0 0 0 0 89 16,488 3 4,588 35,217 57,403
254 Science & Engineering Complex 248,148 2 1,703 19 26,598 57 37,707 86 17,264 0 0 28,533 111,805
251 Shelby Hall 254,456 5 8,644 5 8,056 73 64,313 161 25,034 4 971 13,367 120,385
172 Smith Hall 49,806 1 1,326 5 3,508 0 0 15 4,153 0 0 25,379 34,366
235 South Engineering Research Center 219,684 7 10,936 11 14,683 55 36,379 51 13,850 0 0 24,992 100,840
017 Stallings Center (RISE) 23,647 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1,143 1 330 11,749 13,222
297 ten Hoor Hall 94,254 30 28,184 0 0 3 3,678 109 18,384 0 0 9,686 59,932
199 Tuomey Hall 10,172 3 1,096 0 0 1 427 0 0 2 2,745 354 4,622
011 U of A Student Health Center 18,988 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2,953 0 0 11,004 13,957
214 Woods Hall 64,343 0 0 8 10,100 8 6,171 9 5,467 0 0 12,540 34,278
  Total 4,361,293 307 301,672 124 140,084 764 436,466 3,083 591,038 191 270,580 783,126 2,522,966

NASF - That area in a building that may be assigned to a function, excludes hallways, stairways, and bath room.
* "Other space" consists of all service facilities, special use facilities, general use facilities , support facilities, and unclassified areas. Examples of "other space" are classroom and laboratory service areas, athletic facilities, food service facilities, book stores, post office, areas being renovated, etc.
Source: Building Information Services