
NHM 372 Section 901: Intro Food Service Mgt

Spring 2013

3 Credit Hours
Primary Instructor: S.McMahon McMahon
Syllabus subject to change.
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From the Student Records System

No prerequisites found.

Course Description

This course includes theories, functions, and principles of systems management applied to the institutional foodservice setting.

This course (NHM 372) is a DPD required course.  Student must earn a  grade of B- or higher in this course to be eligible for a Verification Statement.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • Successfully pass the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Exam.
  • Identify the functional systems of foodservice operations through case studies.
  • Synthesize the theories, functions, and principles of foodservice systems management by creating a restaurant menu project.

Required Texts

UA Supply Store Textbook Information

    (Choose One)
    (Choose One)

  • ServSafe Essentials with Answer Sheet Update with 2009 FDA Food Code. (6th edition) 2012. The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, Chicago, IL.
  • Gregoire, M.B. (2010). Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach. (7th edition) Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

System Requirements

This course requires a high-speed Internet connection and may include any of the following free multimedia plug-ins:

  • Adobe Reader
  • Flash Player
  • PowerPoint Viewer
  • QuickTime, RealPlayer, or Windows Media Player

You must have speakers installed and working properly on your computer before beginning the course.

You will need access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel to complete assignments. If you do not have access to the Microsoft Office applications, you may download the Open Office Freeware, an open productivity suite. You will be able to complete your assignments using this freeware and save your files with Microsoft Office file extensions.

Mininal Student Technical Skills

Participation in an online course requires some basic knowledge of computer technology. You should be able to:

  • Navigate and use Blackboard Learn (see Blackboard Learn Tutorials if you need assistance).
  • Understand basic computer usage, including keyboard, mouse, CD drive, and printer.
  • Access the Internet via DSL, cable modem, or a network interface.
  • Use the computer operating system (Windows/Mac OS) to:
    1. Create folders.
    2. Find, copy, move, rename, and delete files.
    3. Launch, run, and switch between software applications.
  • Use a word processing program to (see Word 2007 or 2003 tutorials for PC users; Word 2008 for Mac users, if you need assistance):
    1. Create, format, edit, spell check, save, print, and retrieve a document.
    2. Cut, copy, and paste information within and between documents.
    3. Save a word processing document in text or rtf format.
  • Use a web browser to:
    1. Open, print, and/or save web pages to a local or removable storage drive.
    2. Open and save Adobe Acrobat files (PDF files).
    3. Create, maintain, and manage a list of web pages (Favorites/Bookmarks).
    4. Use a search engine's basic features to find information on the web.
  • Download and install programs from remote servers.
  • Use email to:
    1. Send, receive, store, and retrieve messages.
    2. Send, receive, and open file attachments.

Technical Support

To obtain assistance with technical issues (removing pop-up blockers, opening pages or quizzes, etc.), or if you are unable to see the course content or have other questions regarding the course itself, please visit the College of Continuing Studies Online Course Technical Support Site to submit a request, or call 205-348-9157 (Toll Free: 1-866-205-1011).

Course Presentation

This course is organized into nine learning modules; each module contains a set of assigned readings from the textbooks, a quiz, multimedia lectures, supplemental readings, discussions, assignments, and/or assessments. The module pages include information about all of the materials and assignments for that module.

ServSafe textbook: The ServSafe Essentials textbook will be used for Modules 1-5 readings, quizzes, and the ServSafe exam.

Foodservice Organization textbook: The Foodservice Organizations textbook will be used for Modules 6-9 readings, quizzes, and the final exam.

Discussion Case Studies: You are required to participate in the module case study discussions for each module using the Discussion Board.

Restaurant Menu Project: You will work in groups to complete the Restaurant Menu Project. Details for the assignment are explained on the handout. As an additional portion of this assignment, each group member will receive points for a self-evaluation. Each group member must evaluate themselves and the other team members for points using the Self and Peer Evaluation Form. Points should be given when group members contributed their share of the work, members replied to each other in a timely manner so that the group could continue working, members showed respect for each other, members strived to turn in a high quality product, and members took a leadership role, as needed.

Group Work: You will be assigned to groups to work on the Restaurant Menu Project. You will be notified by the add/drop date of your assigned group number and group members. You will have access to the following methods to communicate as a group, and that method will be at your discretion. The following are options you will be able to use to communicate as a group: (The tools marked with an asterisk will have rooms assigned to your group number so that you are not interrupting another group's session.)

  • Discussion Board* - Discussion threads have been established for each group by group number.
  • Skype - Skype will be another tool you can use to communicate with the faculty and other students. The University has a Skype client that is available to all University faculty, staff, and students free of charge. If you are using Skype for the first time, you will need to download the software to your computer. To download Skype to your computer, access the UA Skype web site and click on the Skype for Windows link located under the Obtaining Software section. Use these step-by-step instructions for downloading, installing, and logging in to Skype. Review this handout to learn how to use Skype to add contacts, to create groups, or to chat using the Web cam. You will need a microphone with a headset to communicate. It is optional to have a webcam, but it is required if you want to video chat. If you would like to meet using Skype, you will need to inform your group memebers your Skype Name so they can search for you and/or accept your invitation request.
  • Mail Tool - You may use the Blackboard Learn Mail tool to set up appointments, etc. with your group, but it may not be a great idea to share documents in this manner.

Course Schedule

See the course schedule for a list of module topics, assignments, and due dates. Please refer to the UA Academic Calendar for other important due dates.




Restaurant Menu Project


Self and Peer Evaluation


Restaurant Visit


Module Discussions


Module Quizzes


ServSafe Proctored Exam


Final Exam






Grade Description

97-100 % = A+ 90-96.9 = A
87-89.9 % = B+ 80-86.9 = B
77-79.9 % = C 70-76.9 = C
67-69.9 % = D 60-66.9 = D
0-59 % = F  


This course uses quizzes and a final exam (comprehensive) to assess your learning. The quizzes and final exam will be timed events offered in Blackboard Learn and will only be available for a designated time period. They will not need to be proctored. The ServSafe exam must be completed under the supervision of a certified ServSafe proctor.

ServSafe Instructions: The ServSafe exam can only be proctored by ServSafe proctors. Proctors in your area may be found on the ServSafe web site. Proctors will typically charge you a fee to proctor your ServSafe exam. You are responsible for making arrangements to take this exam. The proctor will need at least two weeks to order the exam, so plan early. The exam must be taken by the due date on the course schedule.

A proctored exam may be offered on the University of Alabama (UA) campus if you live in the area or are willing to travel to UA's campus. There would be no cost to you for the proctoring of the exam. Please contact the instructor of this course at least 3 weeks in advance of your exam or there will be an additional $20.00 late fee, to be paid to the National Restaurant Association. On your scantron, please provide your email address. After test results have been sent to you from the National Restaurant Association, you must forward the score to the instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the ServSafe test score.

Exam questions and answers will not be posted after the exam has been submitted. You may contact the Instructor to schedule an appointment to review specific questions regarding the exam

Make-up exams will be given only in the case of a documented emergency or with approval from the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the exam. A make-up exam is a privilege, not a right, and will be granted only in rare circumstances (e.g. hospitalization, death, or serious emergency). In the case of an emergency the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible after the event and provide documentation of the event.

Requesting a make-up exam 24 hours prior to the exam date does not guarantee approval of a make-up exam. The instructor retains the right to deny any request for a make-up exam presented 24 hours prior to the exam date.

Make-up exams may be different from, and possibly more difficult, than the original exam. All approved make-up exams will be administered on the Friday before Dead Week. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor that they will be taking the pre-approved make-up exam two weeks prior to the make-up exam date.

Early Administration of Final Exam:  The Department of Nutrition and Hospitality Management follows the schedule of examinations printed in the schedule book. This policy does not allow the early administration of final exams. This is the policy for this course. Exceptions granted only by the Dean.

Late Work/ Extensions

Late work will not be accepted. You will receive a zero for any work not submitted by the due date.

This is an online class which gives you access to the course and most of the course material, including the Course Schedule, 24 hours a day starting on the first day of the semester. The Course Schedule lists every due date of every assignment, quiz, and exam for the entire semester. As you have access to the course material from the first day of class, late work will not be accepted and extensions on due dates will not be given. In the case of an emergency the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible after the event and provide documentation of the event. The instructor retains the right to determine whether provisions will be made for unforeseen emergencies.

A due date refers to any time during the specified day the assignment is due. For example, if a due date is given as Monday, the assignment may be submitted prior to and any time during the day Monday (until 11:59 p.m.).  I will consider an assignment late if the time stamp reads 12:00 am the day following the due date. To continue with the example, an assignment submitted on Tuesday, 12:00 am will be late and given a zero. Bearing this in mind, it is better to submit the work you have completed for partial credit than to submit a complete assignment late, for no credit.

Everyone has a bad week; illness, family issues, computer problems, etc, therefore, you are strongly encouraged to utilize the Course Schedule to plan out your course work. Give yourself enough time to submit assignments should problems arises so you are not rushing at the last minute and risk missing the due date. You may work ahead of the Course Schedule and submit available assignments in advance of the listed due date if you choose. 

Problems with servers, connections, hardware, software, home computers, and so on cannot be used as an excuse for missing a due date or not contacting the instructor. Review the technical requirements and test all equipment to ensure it is in working order several days before submitting assignments or taking an exam. There are several groups and individuals who you can contact if you are having technical difficulties and multiple ways to contact them. Please see the Technical Support and Instructor Information sections of this Syllabus for contact information. Write these names and numbers down so you do not have to access them online.


Student-to-Student Etiquette: There are course expectations concerning etiquette or how we should treat each other online. It is very important that we consider the following values during online discussions and when emailing fellow students:

  • Respect: Each student’s viewpoint is valued as an opinion. When responding to a person during the online discussions, be sure to state an opposing opinion in a diplomatic way.
  • Confidentiality: When discussing topics, be sure to be discreet on how you discuss children, teachers, and colleagues. Do not use names of people or names of facilities.

Student-to-Instructor Etiquette: In addition to the above values, I expect that each student will submit completed assignments in a timely manner.

Instructor-to-Student Etiquette: Students can expect that the instructor will also follow the values listed above by checking and responding to emails and grading assignments in a timely manner.


Unless otherwise noted, you should only contact your instructor using the Mail tool in the course. Follow the course netiquette rules mentioned above when composing emails.

Library Services

All students, those on campus and at a distance, have access to the resources available at the UA Libraries. Please visit the UA Libraries Distance Education web site for more information.

Writing Center

The University of Alabama Writing Center provides professional writing tutoring to all UA students, graduate and undergraduate. They can help you with both general writing skills and more discipline-specific forms of writing at any stage of the writing process. They provide writing guides and other helpful resources.

Academic Honor Code

All students in attendance at The University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University of Alabama expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. At the beginning of the semester and on examinations and projects, you may be required to sign the following Academic Honor Pledge:

"I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student at The University of Alabama. I have read the Academic Honor Code, which explains disciplinary procedure resulting from the aforementioned. I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University."

Policy on Academic Misconduct

All students in attendance at the University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any academically related matter and any knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student.

The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of academic misconduct.

Unless explicitly informed that it is OK to work with others, students are expected to work independently on all assignments and exams.  Work turned in for a grade must represent each student’s individual efforts and demonstrate that particular student’s learning competency.

Any such suspected situation of academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) will result in initiating The Code of Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Procedures.  Situations involving academic misconduct may result in the student receiving a “0” for the work, with no opportunity to remediate it. 

University of Alabama’s Code of Academic Conduct:

“Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any academic or related matter and any knowing or intentional help, attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following acts, when performed in any type of academic or academically related matter, exercise, or activity:

  • Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or computer-related information
  • Plagiarism: representing the words, data, works, ideas, computer programs or output, or anything not generated in an authorized fashion, as one's own.

Plagiarism involves copying the words of any work published by another person, including text on the internet, and presenting that work as your own.  Any assignment committing plagiarism or other academic misconduct may be assigned a grade of zero with no opportunity to repeat the assignment. Work that has been submitted for a grade in another course should not be resubmitted as a new assignment in this course.

  • Fabrication: presenting as genuine any invented or falsified citation or material
  • Misrepresentation: falsifying, altering, or misstating the contents of documents or other materials related to academic matters, including schedules, prerequisites, and transcripts.”

The Code of Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Procedures will be followed in the event that academic misconduct occurs.  Students should refer to the guidelines in the Student Affairs Handbook on UA's website or can be obtained from the Student Life Office in the Ferguson Center.

Disability Statement

If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary. If you have a disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call 348-4285 or visit 133-B Martha Parham Hall East to register for services. Students who may need course adaptations because of a disability are welcome to make an appointment to see me during office hours. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 133-B Martha Parham Hall East, before receiving academic adjustments.

Severe Weather Protocol

In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar, sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices, or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains.

UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm (tornado or severe thunderstorm) should take immediate life saving actions.

When West Alabama is under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate the actions that faculty, staff and students take. The Office of Public Relations will disseminate the latest information regarding conditions on campus in the following ways:

  • Weather advisory posted on the UA homepage
  • Weather advisory sent out through Connect-ED--faculty, staff and students (sign up at myBama)
  • Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA at 90.7 FM
  • Weather advisory broadcast over Alabama Public Radio (WUAL) at 91.5 FM
  • Weather advisories are broadcast via WUOA/WVUA-TV, which can be viewed across Central Alabama. Also, visit for up-to-the-minute weather information. A mobile Web site is also available for your convenience.

History of the Capstone Creed

The creed was created by the Student Leaders Council. In the spring of 2000, a discussion of campus culture among student leaders led to an effort to identify the core values that sustain us as members of the University community. The Student Leaders Council recognized that the Capstone experience is not limited to our formal affiliation with the University during enrollment and that the University community does not end at the geographic boundaries of campus. As members of the Capstone community, there is a common thread throughout us all, and the Student Leaders Council has endeavored to make those core values manifest through the implementation of a campus-wide creed with which all Capstone stakeholders can identify.
