The University of Alabama
Students by Full-time/Part-time Status, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Level

Fall 2015 Total Undergraduate Professional Graduate
No. % No. % No. % No. %
University Total   37,100   31,960   491   4,649  
By Status Full-Time 32,010 86.28 28,689 89.77 490 199.77 2,831 60.89
Part-Time 5,090 13.72 3,271 10.23 1 0.23 1,818 39.11
By Sex Female 20,536 55.35 17,536 54.87 217 89.86 2,783 59.86
Male 16,564 44.65 14,424 45.13 274 110.14 1,866 40.14
By Race/Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino 1,440 3.88 1,260 3.94 18 7.00 162 3.48
American Indian or Alaska Native 137 0.37 112 0.35 5 3.98 20 0.43
Asian 455 1.23 369 1.15 19 11.45 67 1.44
Black or African American 4,123 11.11 3,481 10.89 42 11.17 600 12.91
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 36 0.10 28 0.09 1 1.64 7 0.15
White 28,311 76.31 24,758 77.47 391 157.05 3,162 68.01
Two or more races 943 2.54 862 2.70 3 2.10 78 1.68
Race/Ethnicity unknown 146 0.39 98 0.31 6 4.21 42 0.90
Non-Resident Alien 1,509 4.07 992 3.10 6 1.40 511 10.99