The University of Alabama
Students by Full-time/Part-time Status, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Level

Fall 2019 Total Undergraduate Professional Graduate
No. % No. % No. % No. %
University Total   38,103   32,798   437   4,868  
By Status Full-Time 32,595 85.54 29,135 88.83 437 200.00 3,023 62.10
Part-Time 5,508 14.46 3,663 11.17 0 0.00 1,845 37.90
By Sex Female 21,489 56.40 18,278 55.73 216 105.71 2,995 61.52
Male 16,614 43.60 14,520 44.27 221 94.29 1,873 38.48
By Race/Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino 1,835 4.82 1,631 4.97 18 4.70 186 3.82
American Indian or Alaska Native 147 0.39 123 0.38 1 0.26 23 0.47
Asian 495 1.30 403 1.23 18 20.61 74 1.52
Black or African American 4,002 10.50 3,329 10.15 39 14.96 634 13.02
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 43 0.11 37 0.11 0 0.00 6 0.12
White 28,620 75.11 25,090 76.50 342 151.33 3,188 65.49
Two or more races 1,266 3.32 1,149 3.50 5 2.90 112 2.30
Race/Ethnicity unknown 241 0.63 169 0.52 12 4.72 60 1.23
Non-Resident Alien 1,454 3.82 867 2.64 2 0.52 585 12.02