The University of Alabama
Students by Full-time/Part-time Status, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Level

Fall 2017 Total Undergraduate Professional Graduate
No. % No. % No. % No. %
University Total   38,563   33,305   471   4,787  
By Status Full-Time 33,298 86.35 29,923 89.85 470 199.75 2,905 60.69
Part-Time 5,265 13.65 3,382 10.15 1 0.25 1,882 39.31
By Sex Female 21,693 56.25 18,616 55.90 206 90.80 2,871 59.97
Male 16,870 43.75 14,689 44.10 265 109.20 1,916 40.03
By Race/Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino 1,736 4.50 1,561 4.69 19 5.97 156 3.26
American Indian or Alaska Native 132 0.34 112 0.34 4 0.99 16 0.33
Asian 471 1.22 401 1.20 12 8.12 58 1.21
Black or African American 4,081 10.58 3,382 10.15 45 13.67 654 13.66
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 43 0.11 35 0.11 0 0.00 8 0.17
White 29,544 76.61 25,999 78.06 369 156.79 3,176 66.35
Two or more races 1,176 3.05 1,061 3.19 4 2.28 111 2.32
Race/Ethnicity unknown 209 0.54 136 0.41 15 11.45 58 1.21
Non-Resident Alien 1,171 3.04 618 1.86 3 0.74 550 11.49