The University of Alabama
New Professional/Graduate Students by College/School and Sex: Fall 2024

College/School Male Female Total
No. Column % Row % No. Column % Row % No. Column %
Capstone College of Nursing 34 6.0 17.4 161 15.7 82.6 195 12.2
College of Arts & Sciences 102 17.9 38.8 161 15.7 61.2 263 16.5
College of Communication & Information Sciences 53 9.3 23.9 169 16.5 76.1 222 13.9
College of Community Health Sciences 7 1.2 26.9 19 1.9 73.1 26 1.6
College of Education 39 6.8 19.6 160 15.6 80.4 199 12.5
College of Engineering 93 16.3 74.4 32 3.1 25.6 125 7.8
College of Human Environmental Sciences 49 8.6 31.6 106 10.3 68.4 155 9.7
Culverhouse College of Business 109 19.1 53.7 94 9.2 46.3 203 12.7
Graduate School 3 0.5 75.0 1 0.1 25.0 4 0.3
School of Social Work 18 3.2 22.5 62 6.0 77.5 80 5.0
The University of Alabama School of Law 64 11.2 51.6 60 5.9 48.4 124 7.8
Total 571 100.0 35.8 1,025 100.0 64.2 1,596 100.0

Bar chart of STMAJSCH

Fall 2024